
Junior secondary


'Our aim is your potential'

This phase of learning coincides with a time of significant physical, emotional, social and cognitive change in the lives of our students. At Mackay Northern Beaches State High School we are building a proud tradition of preparing our students for the rigors of life beyond school. Within the context of Junior Secondary, creating and maintaining a safe, supportive and challenging school environment is vital for student wellbeing and learning. The transition from primary into secondary can be demanding for every child as they undergo a period of great change and begin to form individual opinions, values and beliefs.

At Mackay Northern Beaches SHS we believe the establishment of strong moral values and a solid foundation in core academic skills are critical for our students’ success into the future. With this in mind, our Junior Secondary Philosophy is focused around nurturing our students’ social and emotional wellbeing and developing life-long learning skills required for success in the 21st Century.

Developing our Junior Secondary School

Every school is unique and we pride ourselves on our holistic approach to education, as we aim to provide every child with multiple learning pathways. Our approach to Junior Secondary is underpinned by the 6 core principles identified by Education Queensland:

Identity: Junior Secondary students will be encouraged and supported to develop their own group identity, while also developing a sense of belonging, confidence and safety within the whole school community.

Quality teachers: Teaching and learning in Junior Secondary will be driven by highly skilled educators and focus on catering for the needs of the learner as they mature into young adults.

Student wellbeing: We will meet the social and emotional needs of Junior Secondary students with a strong focus on pastoral care and a commitment to ensuring safe, supportive, inclusive and disciplined learning environments.

Parent and community involvement: Education is a partnership between the learner, families, teachers and the wider community. We encourage parents to stay connected with their students’ learning as they progress through their schooling.

Leadership: Students will be provided with leadership opportunities across Years 7, 8 and 9. Student learning will be supported by dedicated teachers, Year Level Coordinators and the school administration team leading the Junior Secondary School.

Local decision-making: The needs of our school community will influence and shape the organisation and structure of our Junior Secondary School.

Last reviewed 22 November 2022
Last updated 22 November 2022