
Senior school


'Our aim is your future'

Mackay Northern Beaches State High School Senior School consists of Years 10, 11 and 12. In the development of our Senior School, our guiding philosophy "Our Aim: Your future" centres on the preparation of students for their pathway after compulsory schooling and is explained in more detail in our senior philosophy.

We offer a wide variety of subjects catering for both academic students aiming for tertiary education post school, as well as a wide number of certificate courses building students' skills ready for trade or work opportunities which research shows will be in need in the coming years.

In addition to the scholastic development of our students, we also pride ourselves on our Care and Enrichment programs. These programs assist students in understanding who they are as a person, accepting and celebrating differences in others and developing their appreciation of their wider community. This will encourage them to be an active member of school and the Northern Beaches communities.

Subjects offered each year will be described in detail in our year level subject selection books which will be available from the school office or from the links below.

Last reviewed 05 June 2023
Last updated 05 June 2023