Mackay Northern Beaches State High School is a Registered Training Organisation
RTO# 41353
Vocational Education and Training in schools
This information is sourced from the Department's website.
What is VET?
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is a learning option for young people in the senior phase of learning. It may involve the attainment of a nationally recognised VET qualification and provide credit towards the attainment of a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). VET courses are designed to deliver workplace-specific skills and knowledge.
VET covers a wide range of careers and industries, including trade and office work, retail, hospitality and technology. Completion of a VET qualification while at school is an opportunity for students to gain a head start to a career pathway in VET.
Participating in VET can:
- provide credit points towards the attainment of a Queensland Certificate of Education, and/or the attainment of a nationally recognised VET qualification
- support young people's transitions to employment, vocational and higher education pathways.
Other benefits of participating in VET include (but are not limited to):
- obtaining practical experience from work
- gaining familiarity on how workplaces operate
- developing employability skills
- developing and improving interpersonal skills
- allowing students to explore the potential career path they would like to pursue.
Young people can access VET in a number of ways including:
- through their school being a Registered Training Organisation
- at TAFE
- at another Registered Training Organisation
- or through a School-Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship.
Certificates of Completion will be awarded to students who are competent in all aspects of a qualification. Students with incomplete qualifications will receive a Statement of Attainment listing all completed competencies.
Students enrolling in any of these qualifications must apply for a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This information is provided for all students upon enrolment in a VET course at MNBSHS.
How is VET offered at Mackay Northern Beaches SHS?
Students can study the following qualifications:
- Internal Certificates available at MNBSHS (students may study as many of these certificates as they wish without using (Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS) funding)
- BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills (Business)
- ICT20120 Certificate II in Applied Digital (Media) Technologies
- FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
- CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- CUA20220 Certificate II in Creative Industries
- CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services
- External Certificates available at MNBSHS, offered by External Providers (students are able to select only one of these certificates with VETiS funding) Additional courses may be selected at full cost, as per provider. These certificates may still incur subject levies
- SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality and/or SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality (External Provider Blueprint CD RTO: 30978)
- MEM20422 Certificate II Engineering Pathways (External Provider Blue Dog Training RTO: 31193)
- HLT23221 Certificate II in Health Support Services and HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance (External Provider Connect 'n' Grow RTO: 40518)
- SIS20122 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation and SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness (External Provider CQU RTO: 40939)
- MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (1 day per week at Mackay Engineering College)
- UEE22020 Certificate II in Electro-technology (18 months, 1 day per week at Mackay Engineering College)
- AUR20720 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation (12 months 1 day per week at Mackay Engineering College)
- AVI30419 Certificate III in Aviation (External Provider Aviation Australia RTO: 30770)
VETiS – Vocational Education & Training in Schools
Private RTO's and CQUniversity (TAFE) offer a range of Vocational Education and Training courses to Year 11 and Year 12 students as part of their VET in Schools (VETiS) program. Students may select courses that suit their chosen pathway.
Information and course offerings for CQUniversity/TAFE VETiS are available at
If students are considering undertaking a VETiS course in Senior it must be included on their Senior Education and Training Plan (SET Plan) in Year 10. An enrolment form must also be completed and returned to the Career's Transition Officer for Principal approval.
VET and the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
Certificate I
Most Certificate I's are worth one credit towards a QCE. There is no limit to the number of Certificate I qualifications a student can gain, but there is a maximum of four that count towards a QCE.
Certificates II, III and IV
A Certificate II is worth four credits towards a QCE, while most Certificates III and IV are worth eight credits. There is no limit on the number of Certificates II, III and IV that may contribute to a QCE. A Certificate III or above may also contribute to an ATAR if a student is also studying at least 4 General Subjects. A student who completes a Certificate III or higher may also achieve a selection ranking which can be used to gain entry to some University courses.
QCE Points
Credit for the QCE is accrued when a student completes new learning. When students complete multiple VET qualifications, an RTO may transfer credit from completed units of competencies from one qualification toward completion of another qualification. New learning in VET is identified as units of competency that are recorded as competent, rather than credit transfer. Credit transfer relates to learning in VET qualifications, which is different from credit contributing to a QCE.
Selection of Subjects and Course Fees
Entry into VET Programs is subject to payment of
Student Resource Scheme (SRS) fees. Fees are attached to studying VET Courses; therefore,
priority is given to Students whose fees are up to date. There is no limit on
the number of Certificate II's, III's and IV's that can contribute to a QCE.
VET and Tertiary Entrance
To gain entrance into many tertiary courses students require an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). To be eligible for an ATAR students have to:
· Satisfactorily complete an English subject
· Complete either five general subjects, four general subjects plus one applied subject or four general subjects and a VET course at Certificate III level or higher.
If a school student is ineligible for an ATAR, a VET course at a Certificate III level, or higher, or a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship may be used to calculate a Tertiary Entrance Rank.
Vocational placements
Vocational placement provides students with the opportunity to receive practical on-the-job training and experience as an assessable part of their vocational education and training course. Practical placement is a compulsory part of some of the courses we offer at our school.
Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) must ensure full compliance of qualifications and accredited courses that require vocational placement, under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015.
Student work experience placements are conducted under the
Education (Work Experience) Act 1996. The Public Safety Business Agency regulates requirements for a working with children check
blue card. Some work experiences require a white card to participate in on site experience. This qualification can be organised by the school or externally.
School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SAT's)
SAT's allow students to undertake paid work for an employer whilst completing their school studies, as well as training towards a recognised qualification. Students that have not completed their SAT by the end of Year 12 may be able to convert it to a full-time or part-time apprenticeship or traineeship.
Students in a VET Course at MNBSHS
At the commencement of all VET subjects, students undertake an induction process.
This induction process includes:
- familiarisation with the
VET Student Handbook (PDF, 587KB)
- familiarisation with the required course competencies and an overview of the course they are enrolled in.
- safety instructions and expectations for all equipment and spaces students will encounter in studying their course.
- participation in an information session which outlines all required procedures and expectations of the student and the RTO.
As an RTO, the school seeks to continuously improve and refine its practices and procedures through annual student, parent and teacher surveys.
Partnership with Schools (PWS)
| SIT20322 Certificate II in HospitalitySIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality
Mackay Northern Beaches SHS is delivering course content for students completing the Cert II in Hospitality and Certificate III in Hospitality on behalf of Blueprint Career Development.
Blueprint Career Development (RTO: 30978) is responsible for enrolling students, assessing and issuing Statement of Attainments and Awards for eligible students.
Student Requirements
- All VET students must have a USI.
- Students are required to complete a Language, Literacy and Numeracy Core Skills Test prior to commencement of training. Visit for further information regarding this course.

MSL20118 Certificate II in Sampling and MeasurementMSL30122 Certificate III in Laboratory Skills
ABC Training (RTO: 5800) deliver the qualification MSL20118 Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement and Cert III in Laboratory Skills on site at Mackay Northern Beaches SHS.
ABC Training (RTO: 5800) is responsible for enrolling students, assessing and issuing Statement of Attainments and Awards for eligible students.
Student Requirements

| HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance (including HLT23221 Certificate II in Health Support Services)
Mackay Northern Beaches SHS is delivering course content for students completing the Certificate III in Health Services Assistance (including Certificate II in Health Support Services) on behalf of Connect 'n' Grow.
Connect 'n' Grow (RTO: 40518) is responsible for enrolling students, assessing and issuing Statement of Attainments and Awards for eligible students.
Student Requirements

| MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
Blue Dog Training (RTO: 31193) deliver the qualification MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways on site at Mackay Northern Beaches SHS.
Blue Dog Training (RTO: 31193) is responsible for enrolling students, assessing and issuing Statement of Attainments and Awards for eligible students.
Student Requirements

| SIS20122 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation
SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness
The nationally recognised qualification SIS20122 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation and SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness is offered by CQUniversity Australia, RTO 40939. CQUniversity is responsible for the course. CQUniversity will conduct training and assessment and will issue qualifications. Mackay Northern Beaches SHS will recruit on behalf of CQUniversity.
Mackay Northern Beaches SHS will assist you in applying for a CQUniversity TAFE course. This includes obtaining a Unique Student Identifier (USI) if you do not have one. You will also need to complete a pre-enrolment literacy and numeracy assessment, called the BKSB (Basic Key Skills Builder). The BKSB will highlight any areas where you may require extra support.
Student Requirements
- All VET students must have a USI.
- Students are required to complete a Literacy and Numeracy Assessment prior to commencement of training. Visit for further information regarding pre-enrolment.
SIS20122 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation is proudly funded by the State Government under their VET in Schools initiative and there are no student fees applicable to eligible students.
SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness is not funded under the State Government VET in Schools initiative. Student fees are to be collected by the school prior to commencement of training.
Further information about CQUniversity and these courses can be found at:

| AVI30419 Certificate II in Aviation
(Remote Pilot)
Mackay Northern Beaches SHS is delivering course content for students completing the Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot) on behalf of Aviation Australia.
Aviation Australia Pty Ltd (RTO: 30770) is responsible for enrolling students, assessing and issuing Statement of Attainments and Awards for eligible students.
Student Requirements
- All VET students must have a USI.
- Students are required to submit a recent school report prior to enrolment in this course. Visit for further information regarding this course.
| MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
UEE22020 Certificate II in Electro-technology (Career Start)AUR20720 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
Students are able to apply to enrol at the Mackay Engineering College (MEC) based in Ooralea. They are required to complete an application process at school and are selected for the program based on their behaviour, absences, Star Level and chosen trade pathway. Interested students must complete an application form which is available from MNBSHS Senior School Officer during the subject selection process in Year 10.
Engineering Pathways is a two-year course, commencing at the start of Year 11. (Axial Training RTO 2437).
Electrotechnology is an 18-month course, commencing in Semester One of Year 11. (Major Training Group RTO: 6139).
Automotive is a one year course that can be undertaken in either Year 11 or Year 12. (Axial Training RTO: 2437).
Students must attend the MEC one day per week as well as display a commitment to engage in regular industry placements throughout the year. Additional costs are associated with the program and are outlined in the application package.
Student Requirements
- All VET students must have a USI.
- MEC Enrolment form must be completed, an entry test must be completed to qualify for Electrotechnology course.
Further information about Mackay Engineering College and these courses can be found at:
RTO Complaints Procedure
The school, as an RTO, has a
RTO Policy and Procedure - Complaints and Appeals (PDF, 198KB) specific to its RTO operations.
complaint can be made to the school RTO regarding the conduct of:
- the school RTO, its trainers, assessors or other school RTO staff
- students of the RTO
- any third parties providing services on behalf of the school RTO (if relevant).
appeal can be made to the school RTO to request a review of a decision, including assessment decisions.
The school RTO will ensure that the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness are adopted at every stage of the complaints and appeals process. All formal complaints and appeals will be heard and decided on within 60 calendar days of receiving the written complaint or appeal.
If the school RTO considers more than 60 calendar days are required to process and finalise the complaint or appeal, the complainant or appellant will be informed of the reasons in writing and will be regularly updated on the progress of the matter.
If the processes fail to resolve the complaint or appeal, a review by an independent party will be provided if requested.
RTO Complaints and Appeals Form (PDF, 153KB)
Complaints or appeals should be directed to the Principal as CEO of the school RTO: